Civil Rights Past To Present

Civil Rights Past To Present\
Present day Civil Rightsfig2

Activists struggle for enfranchisement has allowed millions of African Americans voice to be heard in government. 66. 2 percent of African Americans voted in the presidential election in the year 2012. (Statistics, 2012) Integration laws have afforded African Americans the right to a quality education. 18.7 Percent of African Americans age 24 and older have a bachelor’s degree or higher. In terms of legality there is nothing African Americans cannot do in American society today based on their race.
Past 1970s-1990s
The 1970s is marked as an era of widespread pursuit of equality. The majority of Americans opposed the civil legislations enacted at this time. Unfortunately starting with Reagan the rise of deregulation has had massive effects on the economy, environment, and has stunted upward mobility for African and impoverished Americans alike. In light of African Americans political freedom other minorities and oppressed individual began vigorously lobbing for their rights in the 1970s. Homosexuals, disadvantaged, and women were among some of the citizens who formed organizations and petitioned under the civil rights act. Many of these activists followed the patterns of African American organizations. Evidence of Americans changing views on equal rights could be seen on popular television shows such as “All in the Family”. Conservatives fought against these reforms causing friction that mounted, eventually giving President Nixon a landslide victory.
A Few Major Set Backs…
President Richard Nixon was against civil rights, he displayed his unwillingness to assist African Americans in his blue-collar strategy (where he assisted workers who were not black or Jewish in the work field). Nixon’s works on the Philadelphia plan which would assist African and Hispanic Americans in constructions in Philadelphia; was halted. Jimmy Carter first elected president after Nixon supported civil rights. He established Martin Luther King Day, he had a dozen African Americans on his campaign staff, he also supported the equal rights amendment. Although Carter attempted he did not affect civil rights for African Americans in the 70s very much.
After Jimmy Carters presidency Americans felt they needed a strong capable and trustworthy president. As a result Americans supported Regan’s policies convinced they were the pinnacle of “The American Way”. Regan instilled the formation of the 1% and contributed to the epidemic of mass incarceration with the “three strikes rule”. The effects of his presidency will be felt for years to come.
Regan identified with Americans beliefs and appealed to their economic needs. Using his superb acting skills he convinced millions of Americans to deregulate business and cut taxes claiming it would assist the economy. This form of politics was deemed Reagonomics. He cut back on welfare programs by instilling the notion that those on welfare were ignorant lazy black women also known as “welfare queens”. Though he doubled America’s debt, as well as the defense budget, conservatives view his politics as effective because the economy flourished. The Gross Domestic Product in the US expanded due to () Though his policies appeared to be working deregulation attributed to the Great Recession in 2006.
During Regan’s presesideny in the 1980s just twenty years after civic reform was accepted and African Americans obtained political liberty and economic equality president Ronald Reagan caused the movement to regress. An excerpt from said it best. “Reagan opposed many important civil rights measures that further alienated him and the Republican Party from African-Americans. On Mar. 16, 1988, Reagan vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act. He was opposed to extending provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. (Quote)
Present day Civil Wrongs
The Talk
The long- term effects of Regan’s policies are seen in African American Communities today. African American men are facing mass incarceration. They make up one million of the 2.7 million prison inmates. (NAACP, n.d) Racial profiling has been a repeated detrimental act in the law enforcement system. “Although African Americans represent 13 percent of all drug users in the U.S., they make up 38 percent of arrestees for drug offensives” (US Courts, n.d)

“One in six black men had been incarcerated in the year 2001” (NAACP, n.d) these men are less likely to become productive members of society for numerous reasons. They are not allowed to vote. Their record will make it difficult for them to find a job; they are barred from joining the military. These men are confined to urban communities with high crime rates because their finances and criminal record will keep them from receiving a loan. Unable to produce money to support their families two out of every three will return to prison. (nytimes, 2014)
African Americans maintain the highest number of complaints about racial discrimination on the job with an average of 28,000 per year. (US Courts, n.d) African American women and men have been victims of prejudice in the workplace for decades. A recent example of institutional discrimination would be the military policy AR670-1. Army officials had placed a policy on all female soldiers, banning many hairstyles they felt were inappropriate. African American women believed this policy to be prejudice against them because they were forced to wear a weave, wig, cut their hair, or wear “neat” braids that could not be past a certain length or width. All of these options damage African American women’s hair and were typically expensive. A review of the policy relaxed some restrictions and took out any offensive language. (washingtonpost, n.d)
Across America there is mounting evidence to support the notion that the rich control this nation. Examples that support this notion would include; for every 100 impoverished Americans in prison there is one middle/elite class prisoner. Schools in impoverished communities are unable to give students a quality education. A large percentage of funding in higher education is in the form of loans. The risk of massive loan debt discourages impoverished students from attending more reputable colleges. The high cost of campaigning in America has caused presidency to be reserved for the wealthy. The gap between the proletariat (workers) and the bourgeoisie (owners of business) continues to increase, ` the long term effects of this injustice are unknown. jimmy carter Reagan statement
• Board, The Editorial. “End Mass Incarceration Now.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 24 May 2014. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.
• Bureau, U.s. Census. The Diversifying Electorate–Voting Rates by Race and Hispanic Origin in 2012 (and Other Recent Elections) (n.d.): n. pag. May 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. <;.
• Us Census Bureau. (2014) Young- Adult Voting: An Analysis of Presidential Elections, 1964-2012. Retrieved from
• Sourcebook, African American Heritage, and Section 5B. A Discussion of Contemporary Issues Facing African Americans (n.d.): 1-7. Web. 17 Sept. 2014.

Civil Rights Movement (1940-1969)

The Civil Rights Revolution: minorities fighting for their rights as American citizens. Activists persistently fighting against discrimination so that their children can have equal rights and experience equality


Mug Shot of Freedom Riders.

After World War II African American veterans began to protest racism in America. Suburban’s were formed in the late 1940s, due to racial covenants African Americans were forced to remain in the cities. Corporations relocated from the cities to the suburbs as a result, unemployment in the cities skyrocketed. The Cold War was a period of intense competition between the Soviet Union and the United states. The American government felt we should lead every nation in the world ideologically (an ideology is a body of ideas). In the 1950s white Americans were given government aid. Blacks did not receive assistance because they were African Americans. The civil rights movement began; African Americans started protesting against segregation. In the 1960s organizations began staging peaceful protests many of these protests ended in violence. As a response to police brutality The Black Panther party was formed. They considered themselves a militant organization. The party supported violence as a means of protection from the harsh brutality of the police and white Americans. President Johnson passed legislation in support of The Civil Rights Movement. His contribution to the movement was essential to its success.


World War II Veteran Affairs

African American World War II veterans came home stronger and united ready to fight for racial equality. After all they risked their lives just the same as white Americans. White Americans opposed integration beating, sometimes killing African Americans. The Ku Klux Klan rose again in the 1940s committing 500 acts of Klan sponsored violence.< (pg. 727 Becoming America Vol. 2) President Truman rallied African American votes: by desegregating the army(1948), and outlawing racial covenants which were contractual agreements prohibiting the sale of property to a certain group of people, Thanks to the African Americans vote President Truman won the election 1948. President Truman continued to create laws against discrimination using a strategy he called “Fair Deal” which is a plan would guarantee equal rights for all citizens. Neither southern democrats nor republicans supported racial equality; therefore, his programs were underfunded deemed ineffective.(pg.735 Becoming America Vol. 2) The G.I Bill  that was passed in the year 1944 paid for veteran’s tuitions and granted them home loans. It also included job placement assistance as well as vocational training sites. The Veteran Affairs ruling in 1945 restricted minorities from receiving these benefits. Only 2 African Americans received a home loan out of three thousand veterans in the state of Mississippi in 1947. (pg. 741 Becoming America Vol. 2)

The Suburbs effects on Cities.


In the year 1950 a little over half of American people lived in the suburbs. The mass production of these suburban homes allowed home buyers to purchase the home at a lower price; unfortunately, suburban communities would not sell homes to African Americans. It was assumed the Negro presence would lower the mortgage value of their homes. Cities with a high minority population tended to be “redlined” by the federal government. “Redlined” cities were communities whose value did not increase. Red lined city dwellers were denied a mortgage regardless of their income. White Americans living in urban cities used federal mortgage benefits to move to suburban neighborhoods. This was labeled “White Flight”. (pg. 742 Becoming America Vol. 2)

Unemployment Skyrockets

As White Americans moved from these cities major companies such as Ford Motor and General Motor relocated to the suburbs as well. They shut down their factories and left tens of thousands jobless. Another major cripple to cities was the loss of tax revenue. High levels of unemployment caused thousands of minorities trapped in the city to not pay their taxes, leaving the community in poverty. (pg.741 Becoming America Vol. 2)

Cold War Influence on Civil Rights


The Cold War was a conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States over which ideology is more effective. Both countries did not go to war with each other because of fear of being annihilated by nuclear bombs. So these nations attempted to rally third world countries to either support democracy or communism. Americans were considered hypocrites to these countries because Americans were attacking and oppressing citizens in their own nation. In order to generate support for democracy over communism in third world countries the federal government needed to prove to these nations that America is truly “The land of the free”. Mid 1950s the federal government advised the federal court system to outlaw Jim Crow therefore supporting civil rights.

America by the People, For the (White) People. 1950s


The 1950s is considered The Golden Age in American history. White Americans and African Americans lived in the same country, but completely different worlds. Blacks were kept from the suburban homes, vast variety of food and shopping centers, and especially the well-paying jobs. While these practices were legal in the south, the north practiced de facto segregation : racial segregation that occurred “by fact” but was not the law. These discriminatory practices caused civil rights organizations to focus their efforts on the judicial system. This strategy proved effective,in 1954 when segregation in schools was out lawed, in the Brown V Board of Eeducation case. This law was put to the test when nine African American students were denied access into Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas President Eisenhower; who had ignored the subject of racial inequality during his presidency, sent eleven thousand federal troops to enforce the law for The Little Rock Nine. President Eisenhower’s response ignited a flame in the 1950s that carried into the 1960s and became known as “The Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 60s is generally categorized under events that contributed to African American equality in American society. Popular activists at this time were Martin Luther King Jr, and Malcom X worked to fight for civil rights as did literary sensation Harper Lees. Beloved professional athletes, singers, and musicians, all had their  part in The Civil Rights Movement.

The Black Panther Party

Young African Americans were attracted to the party because it supported violence as a means of protection from whites. Their main goal politically was “a United Nations supervised plebiscite to be held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects will be allowed to participate…” The party fell apart due to shootouts and confrontation with other black militant groups.

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) lead by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr protested segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. One of these protests involved African American children ages 6-18. These children marched while singing “We Shall Overcome”. The second day of the march Birmingham police used dogs and high powered hoses to attack the children.  Media coverage of the attack sparked outrage amongst suburban Americans and African Americans alike. This crisis led the nation to support desegregation. President Kennedy gave orders to begin writing a Civil Rights Legislation. Nations across the world witnessed the brutality of the Birmingham police men.

Fannie Lou Hammer delivered her testimony on the 22nd of August 1964. She was a sharecropper and timekeeper for 18 years. She was thrown off her land for registering to vote. She and five other individuals were arrested coming from a voter registration workshop (June 9th, 1963). Three white men entered Fannie Lou Hammer’s cell. They took her to a cell where two other black male prisoners were. The policemen told both black men to beat Fannie with a “blackjack” while she was lying face down on the bunk. When she screamed one white man began to beat her in the head. For full details of her testimony (click here)

Fannie Lou Hammer and the Birmingham crisis are examples of the brutal, mental and physical abuse peaceful protestors were subjected too.

The NAACP, SCLC, and the Congress of Racial Equality (the latter lead by James Farmer) staged more peace walks and acts of civil disobedience (breaking of a law citizens feel is unjust). Many of these acts resulted in injuries and casualties, brought on by white segregationist (supporters of segregation) and white supremacist.  In spite of this injustice activists continued to fight for African American rights their unwavering bravery attracted black celebrities and citizens across the country to join the cause.

Lyndon B Johnson and The Civil Rights Movement


I commend President Johnson on all levels. This man looked at African Americans and saw a people worthy of respect as American citizens, and human beings period. His predecessor President Kennedy began the civil rights legislation; President Johnson passed the bill through the use of Americans raw feelings toward President Kennedy’s assassination (November 22, 1963).  Johnson went on to pass other bills in support of civil rights reform. On February 9 1965 President Johnson met with Martin Luther King Jr, by the end of their meeting he promised immediate passage of the Voting Rights Act. His passion to promote equality between black and white Americans was unwavering throughout his presidency. For full information on this legislation click here.

African Americans and American Society (11/6/2014)

black movement

Today African Americans are reaping the benefits of what Frannie, Lou Hammer, W. E. B Du Bois, the sharecroppers, the WW II veterans, civil rights activists, and Black Panther pledges sown.

Government August 26, 2014

In the 113th Congress there are forty two African Americans in the House of Representatives. In the Senate there are two African Americans.

The Supreme Court has elected two African American men, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.

President Barack Obama has served two terms as president of the United States.

Got equality? Yeah, in a way we do.



In terms of legality, there is nothing black people cannot accomplish in America based on their race. Present day African Americans are given opportunities that were not permitted before the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s. Due to brilliant civil rights activists, a willing president Johnson, the Cold War, and thousands of black and white Americans, minorities now possess equal rights and protection of the law.

Half Way There

Though African Americans have made great strides in America since Reconstruction, race is still a factor of poverty. 27.4% of African Americans live below the poverty line.  The average salary of a African American family in the year 2010 was $39,715, the average salary of white Americans that same year was $61, 138. Achieving civil liberty in the governmental system was only half the battle. Americans are racially segregated, police brutality and discrimination still occur. In the words of Frannie Lou Hammer “And if the Freedom Democratic Party is not seated now, I question America. Is this America, the land of the free and the home of the brave,”


  11. enkin, David, and Rebecca McLennan. Becoming America Volume II From Reconstruction. Vol. II. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2014.

Civil Rights and Education; With A Focus on African Americans

One of my mothers and I were discussing the differences between the North and South, I came to the shocking conclusion that present day American society is very similar to past centuries.  There is undeniable truth in the phrase “history repeats itself”.

Civil Rights and Education, With A Focus on African Americans

Segregation can be seen in states across America. Integration laws have been placed and enforced by our government; unfortunately the regulations have not sufficiently solved the problem. African Americans have achieved much success since the early 1900s, yet  the value of education in impoverished schools is less than that of schools in wealthier communities so the high percentage of African Americans who go to school in these communities are not learning adequate material to help them achieve success in college. Most African Americans and other minorities living in poverty are at a disadvantage as far as job opportunities, exposure to negative actions within their environment, and (more relative to this blog) education.

Let’s start from the beginning of African American education.

The North and South had different views on slavery, while slaves in the South were learning how to read from Bibles free slaves and the children of slaves were able to attend school in the North the first free African school was built in New York City in (1787).  Ten years before The Emancipation Proclamation was enacted (1865) the Massachusetts Legislature enacted a policy in (1855) stating, “No person shall be excluded from a Public School on account of race, colour or prejudice.”  The fourteenth amendment granting African Americans full citizenship was ratified in the year 1868, slaves began building their own schools. The first black public school was Paul Lawrence Dunbar high school built in Washington D.C (1870).   African Americans were finally able to receive an education.  Although the North gave blacks full citizenship the idea of African Americans sharing a class with their children was repulsive, so in the case of Plessy V Fergusson (1896) segregation was legalized. Cases challenging this law ensued such as Murray V. Maryland (1936) where Thurgood Marshall challenged the University of Maryland on the grounds that black law schools in Maryland were not equal to white law schools. He won his case as did Lloyd Gaines in Missouri ex rel Gaines v. Canada (1938). Segregation in public schools however did not end until 1955. African Americans went through many trials to obtain the right to attend school and other facilities along with whites, but due to unequal representation of minorities in facilities Affirmative Action was enacted March, 6, 1961.

Universities have challenged this law, banning it from their schools under the claim that it was reverse racism. On many accounts I can understand their argument the acceptance of an applicant based on race is,  if anything discriminatory. The same is to be said about giving some Americans free money from the government and not others, or impoverished schools receiving more government aid than wealthier schools. These laws are put in place, granted, and not going anywhere for the basic reason that they are necessary. By all means proof has been provided that Affirmative Action is necessary. Also I might add that it is not extremely unfair either, the law targeted facilities with a low percentage of a particular demographic of people, these individuals also had to fit the criteria in order to be admitted. This law prevented any organization from excluding one race. As we can see on these graphs Universities that have banned Affirmative Action have a lower percentage of African Americans than they did with the law enacted. blogger Mark stated, “In 2001, as you can see, 10% of incoming freshmen at UM were black. By 2011, however, that number had dropped to 5%.”

Katy Murphy writes an article about the effects of the Affirmative Action ban after fifteen years on UC Berkeley and UCLA. She states, “At Cal, the freshman admission rates for those three groups plunged by more than 50 percent between 1997 and 1998, the year the ban took effect”.

As they say “The proof is in the pudding” while the ban of Affirmative Action could cause major segregation in the educational system. Poverty lines already have.

Not only were facilities in the 1920s separated by race, they were separated by wealth.  One could observe the differences in finance between black and white schools in that period as well. Recently in the year 2008 the poverty census revealed 33.9 percent of African Americans under the age of 18 lived in poverty.  Poor Americans are not able to attend wealthier schools because the school system requires students attending that school to live near it. The 33.9 percent of African Americans in poverty  are forced to send their children to schools that have disciplinary problems, and consistently perform at a lower level than wealthier schools. Graduating students attending low income schools go to college (those who actually go to college) and drop out or are failed out because they do not possess the intellect colleges, and jr colleges require.

by Daryl Posted September 25, 2010

African Americans have made significant educational strides from 1787 to today. Still racial inequality persist  because of this, policies such as Affirmative Action are necessary so that past discrimination is not repeated.

Two hundred and twenty seven years later, schools remain separate, but not equal…..

Fredrick Douglas said it best  in a letter to Harriet Beecher Stowe “I assert then that poverty, ignorance, and degradation are the combined evils; or in other words, these constitute the social disease of the free colored people of the United States. To deliver them from this triple malady, is to improve and elevate them, by which I mean simply to put them on an equal footing with their white fellow countrymen in the sacred right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. “

Civil Rights

Many Americans would say that Martin Luther King Jr would’ve been grateful for the advantages minorities possess today? But has mental and physical freedom really benefited minorities today? Have his dreams of a non-discriminatory America really been brought to fruition?Robert Mertain a Functionalist coined the terms manifest and latent functions. Manifest being intended results and latent being unintended results. Apply this concept to Dr. Kings “I Have A Dream” speech. Dr. King intended(manifest) for minorities to be legally accepted in the United States of America. He did not intend(latent) for social freedom to be granted to minorities yet and still they remain segregated. It was not his intention that minorities have access to educational systems but fail to obtain a degree. Was his focus directed towards the root of the problem? Think about it while I answer my own question. Yes and no. In his time yes African Americans thirsted for knowledge, they were willing to be antagonized on a constant basis to obtain racial equality. However there is a difference between his time and ours. This difference being that most if not all minorities realized there was a problem, they formed together and made efforts to try and correct it. Today we fail to see the root of the issue as to why minorities are mentally slaves though politically free. I will be taking a stab at solving this jigsaw puzzle, looking forward to it! Sociology studies the social factors that affect an individuals success or failure in life. Social factors play a huge role in how an individual speaks, receives information, learns, thinks, and a host of other characteristics. The theory that deals with Civil Rights the most is the conflict theory. This theory speaks about how people in a society fight over scarce resources. Corporations have conflict with their workers, over who is dominant, scarce resource being money. Countries go to war over a disagreement, the scarce resource being power. This Sociological approach can be used to explain how the social injustice of the past can be seen in different forms today. For example, post slavery African Americans struggled to find their place in society. Those who wanted to be involved in politics, obtain jobs, just to be accepted into the American society, they needed to rapidly assimilate into European culture. Including straightening their hair, dressing and speaking as the white Americans did. Today African Americans are still required to act in this way in order to receive corporate jobs, attend private schools, or even to join the Army. Recently the Army officials have placed a policy on all female soldiers, called the AR 670-1 Banning many hairstyles they felt were inappropriate. African women believed this policy to be prejudice against them because many of the “natural hairstyles” AA women wear were banned. Sgt. James of the United States National Guard put up a petition against it that has received seventeen thousand signatures.

 Many Americans would say that Martin Luther King Jr wouldve been grateful for the advantages minorities possess today? But has mental and physical freedom really benefitted minorities today? Have his dreams of a non-discriminatory America really been brought to fruition?Robert Mertain a Functionalist coined the terms manifest and latent functions. Manifest being intended results and latent being unintended results. Apply this concept to Dr. Kings “I Have A Dream” speech. Dr. King intended(manifest) for minorities to be legally accepted in the United States of America. He did not intend(latent) for social freedom to be granted to minorities yet and still they remain segregated. It was not his intention that minorities have access to educational systems but fail to obtain a degree. Was his focus directed towards the root of the problem? Think about it while I answer my own question. Yes and no. In his time yes African Americans thirsted for knowledge, they were willing to be antagonized on a constant basis to obtain racial equality. However there is a difference between his time and ours. This difference being that most if not all minorities realized there was a problem, they formed together and made efforts to try and correct it. Today we fail to see the root of the issue as to why minorities are mentally slaves though politically free. I will be taking a stab at solving this jigsaw puzzle, looking forward to it! Sociology studies the social factors that affect an individuals success or failure in life. Social factors play a huge role in how an individual speaks, receives information, learns, thinks, and a host of other characteristics. The theory that deals with Civil Rights the most is the conflict theory. This theory speaks about how people in a society fight over scarce resources. Corporations have conflict with their workers, over who is dominant, scarce resource being money. Countries go to war over a disagreement, the scarce resource being power. This Sociological approach can be used to explain how the social injustice of the past can be seen in diffrent forms today. For example, post slavery African Americans struggled to find their place in sociaty. Those who wanted to be involved in politics, obtain jobs, just to be accepted into the American society, they needed to rapidly assimilate into European culture. Including straightening their hair, dressing and speaking as the white Americans did. Today African Americans are still required to act in this way in order to receive corporate jobs, attend private schools, or even to join the Army. Recently the Army officials have placed a policy on all female soldiers, called the AR 670-1 Banning many hairstyles they felt were inappropriate. African women believed this policy to be prejudice against them because many of the “natural hairstyles” AA women wear were banned. Sgt. James of the United States National Guard put up a petition against it that has received seventeen thousand signatures.

Not only in the Army can this form of prejudice be seen but also in our school system. Recently a twelve year old by the name Vanessa Vandyke was told she would be expelled from her private school if she did not if she did not cut her hair. She refused because she felt her hair was apart of who she was a representation that she was different.
Situations such as these show case histories significance when attempting to understand the problems of today. The military announced that they will be renouncing the AR 670-1 and refoming the policy. While Vanessa Van dykes school changed their mind about expelling her. These immediate recreations were a great example of the political leverage minorities posses today, but the fact remains that these decisions were only reformed because the media was involved. If minorities truly had actual political power these situations would never have went on…
Now that thats said lets move on to
Civil Rights Activists (past to present)
When speaking of Civil Rights in the late 1800s there is one individual I feel strongly influenced to refer to. W.E.B Du Bois was a conflict theorist his works have been profoundly beneficial to the African American people. His most popular theories being double- concousness, the veil, and the ten percent theory. Du Bois began the N AACP in the hopes that he can influence civil rights in a non-violent way. He believed people could work together in order to create a more equal society for all. Working with black and white people the NAACP had been able to accomplish many great political feats. Just like Martin Luther King Jr who was also apart of the NAACP he was a great political activist.
I dare to ask the question, where are men like these today? Men who stood up for not just their own race but society as a whole. The University graduates, or the new representation of the American dream Rags to Riches? The true political crusaders fighting for minority equality? Men and women who brought politics to the streets and spoke in a language they can actually understand, explaining to minorities their true place in society. Then began brainstorming ideas on how they can come together and change it. Leaders who offered opportunity for jobs to the uneducated, not just money. Do not be deceived into thinking I see welfare as a negative, I understand that welfare can mean the difference between life and death for some. Although I believe a reform should be in order but thats a different theme for a different blog. Anywhoo what I mean is the twentieth century is lacking true activism in Civil Rights politics today.

Not only in the Army can this form of prejudice be seen but also in our school system. Recently a twelve year old by the name Vanessa Vandyke was told she would be expelled from her private school if she did not if she did not cut her hair. She refused because she felt her hair was apart of who she was a representation that she was different.

Situations such as these show case histories significance when attempting to understand the problems of today. The military announced that they will be renouncing the AR 670-1 and reforming the policy. While Vanessa Van dykes school changed their mind about expelling her. These immediate recreations were a great example of the political leverage minorities posses today, but the fact remains that these decisions were only reformed because the media was involved. If minorities truly had actual political power these situations would never have went on…
Now that thats said lets move on to
Civil Rights Activists (past to present)

When speaking of Civil Rights in the late 1800s there is one individual I feel strongly influenced to refer to. W.E.B Du Bois was a conflict theorist his works have been profoundly beneficial to the African American people. His most popular theories being double- consciousness, the veil, and the ten percent theory. Du Boise began the N NAACP in the hopes that he can influence civil rights in a non-violent way. He believed people could work together in order to create a more equal society for all. Working with black and white people the NAACP had been able to accomplish many great political feats. Just like Martin Luther King Jr who was also apart of the NAACP he was a great political activist.
I dare to ask the question, where are men like these today? Men who stood up for not just their own race but society as a whole. The University graduates, or the new representation of the American dream Rags to Riches? The true political crusaders fighting for minority equality? Men and women who brought politics to the streets and spoke in a language they can actually understand, explaining to minorities their true place in society. Then began brainstorming ideas on how they can come together and change it. Leaders who offered opportunity for jobs to the uneducated, not just money. Do not be deceived into thinking I see welfare as a negative, I understand that welfare can mean the difference between life and death for some. Although I believe a reform should be in order but thats a different theme for a different blog. Anywhoo what I mean is the twentieth century is lacking true activism in Civil Rights politics today.

1865-1914 was a period of reform all over the United States from The Homestead Act, to the transcontinental railroad ,the Gilead Age, progressive era, and so on. At this time many factors of American life was changing but one factor remained constant, the discrimination and oppression of minorities. Now today minorities are a large portion of the impoverished in America. While the world is advancing all around them the proletariat way of thinking proliferates among them….

All About Me ;D

Hey my name is Kandas.
I am a recent graduate of William J Pete Knight High School, now a freshman in college. Unsurprisingly the material that I am being taught here is already vastly different from high school. I find this fact enlightening instead of upsetting because the information that I am currently learning is causing me to think on a higher level. I am forced to pay close attention and retain almost all information. This gives, me direct preparation for life by helping me to stay focused. I intend to allow this two year community college experience to effectively enhance my thought process as well as ability to retain information. (a lot of brain power went into that last sentence ;0)

Although sometimes annoying, and boring my high school experience was far from uneventful. A huge highlight of my senior year (besides prom) when I got a lead in my school play called John Lennon. (It was not about John Lennon lol) I played the mother Claudia; it was difficult for me to play this character because our personalities were extremely contrasted. She was overly consumed in herself constantly presenting herself as more talented and charismatic than she was. Although I struggled to become this character I ultimately enjoyed the transformation. Being able to act in this manner with no repercussion was truly an exciting experience.

A few facts about me would be that I am a Christian, like music, and I am an individual who has been highly influenced by the positive people I have met. I am an active member at Living Stone Cathedral of Worship I participant [pate in the youth program, praise dance, and recently joined the choir. I enjoy my church home because all of the members are treated like family, with respect, and love.

I enjoy listening to music , all different types but recently I found myself listening to groups like passenger, as well as artists like Lana Del Ray.I find that music can be uplifting as well as brutally realistic. The biggest attraction a good artist can possess it the ability to take an abstract concept about life and put it into a five minute song causing me to either reflect on my own life or get a personalized view into theirs.

Every positive individual I have met has influenced me, from teachers to family, friends, even random strangers. My roommates and good friends have allowed me to lean on them for assistance as well as guidance. They allowed me to live with them when I was forced to leave from my adopted mothers home due to family complications.Continuously they teach me that God has an active place in my life by using their faith as the foundation for their future. While attending Pete Knight High I was extremely blessed to have taken Ms. Roth’s English and Bible as literature class. She helped me to determine what college I wanted to go too, what being a christian meant, how to sit in a class with a room full of people and actually pay attention. ( getting better by the way ) Their certainty that I can move forward in any endeavor I set my mind to helped me to believe that as well. Ill remember them as links in the chain of individuals who helped mold my character and ultimately make me who I am today.

Ok that was a lot about me hope you enjoyed reading, good day. ;p